Internet and Technology Experts who are passionate about
Sales and Marketing

Nigel Fowler Internet Technology and Marketing expert.

Helping businesses to develop their direct marketing strategies so that they can communicate directly with their customers using technology.

  1. Teaching businesses how to run these direct marketing systems themselves.
  2. Running the direct marketing system for your business.

Give me a call now on 021 401 725 or email

All about focus

We focus on direct communication because there are three ways to grow a business:

  1. Gain new customers or clients
  2. Increase the profit level of the average sale
  3. Increase repeat business

It costs 6 to 7 times more to gain a new customer or client than it does to retain an existing one.  So I work hands on with business owners and sales and marketing managers to develop and implement strategies, which grow the business by helping to increase enquiries and awareness.

The areas I work with are:

  • Targeting customer segments
  • Database management
  • Email communication strategies, management and implementation

Pareto’s Principle says that “20% of your customers create 80% of the revenue” so let us keep communicating with the top 20% of your customers and grow your business with repeat and referral sales.

You now have your very own “Technology Marketing Coach” at your finger tips so give me a call now on 021 401 725 or email